So I’m sitting here dressed in black. No there is nothing wrong; there is no funeral to attend though given the passing of this last month funeral is the word foremost on alot of peoples minds. No I’m dressed in black simply because it’s more slimming. Most people who are not attending a memorial of some kind are usually wearing black for the same reason. I’m not the thinnest guy in the world though I am making strides in my weight loss endeavor. Yes I want to look better and feel better: I would also like to live long healthy life. Being thin has many pluses and few minuses.
One of the main pluses is being thin is it's a good way to become more attractive to the opposite sex. Yes ladies I’m single. I’m single for a lot of reasons; some of those reasons I can’t do much about right about now but some I can do something about. Weight loss is one of them. Hey you look better you fee better; you have more confidence. That confidence makes you more sure footed and thus more out going thus more attractive.
Being confident gives you that glow; not that Soul Glo mind you but Last Dragon glow. I want that glow.

Yeah sure I’m nice guy; a gentlemen who still practices some semblance of chivalry in a steadily less chivalrous world. However I’m also a realist I likes to keep it real (pardon my Ebonics) I see myself in the mirror in the morning. I know what I look like with my spare tricycle tire, two chipped front teeth. Let’s keep it a hundred (Slang) I am pretty mediocre looking dude. I’m not model by any stretch of the imagination not even with beer goggles. I’ve been passed over by the opposite sex left and right for a good chunk of my youth.
I’ve never told anyone this before but I have often imagined my self coming out the trenches of the war of the sexes waving my own white flag of surrender. I have a megaphone in my hand and I state my terms assuring all the young women of the world that they won’t have to worry about the Big J being the bugga-boo who can’t take the Las Vegas neon light glaring sign hint that says ”Kick rocks we’re not feeling you”. I turn back to the men in the trenches; the players, pretty boys, muscle dudes, and the tech guys and I salute them and encourage them to press on with without me. I grab my bag, my laptop, a hot pocket and I do the David Banner leaves town routine off into the distance.
Ladies please don’t misunderstand I’m not mad at cha (Ebonics) I understand. I may not be what you want but I remain the hardcore gentlemen none the less.
E.G. (Example Grande)
I’ve never told anyone this before but I have often imagined my self coming out the trenches of the war of the sexes waving my own white flag of surrender. I have a megaphone in my hand and I state my terms assuring all the young women of the world that they won’t have to worry about the Big J being the bugga-boo who can’t take the Las Vegas neon light glaring sign hint that says ”Kick rocks we’re not feeling you”. I turn back to the men in the trenches; the players, pretty boys, muscle dudes, and the tech guys and I salute them and encourage them to press on with without me. I grab my bag, my laptop, a hot pocket and I do the David Banner leaves town routine off into the distance.
Ladies please don’t misunderstand I’m not mad at cha (Ebonics) I understand. I may not be what you want but I remain the hardcore gentlemen none the less.
E.G. (Example Grande)
Recently I started a dialogue with a young attractive woman who shares the same Astrological symbol as mine. I believed that maybe just maybe I would have the chance to take said woman out lunch or perhaps a movie but alas I didn’t happen. Like I said I’m a realist and I know that nothing absolutely nothing in this life is written in stone. Even if we did have something written in stone woman’s prerogative dictates she can change her mind at any moment (which apparently she did) take said stone and smash it to the ground like Moses did the Ten Commandments.

When I spoke to her recently and by speak I mean comments on our respective MySpace pages I didn’t bring it up.

Why didn’t I bring it up? The answer to that riddle is simple because despite all the rejection I've experienced I still practice chilvary which means I have to put on my best face and soldier on. I have to continue being the person am and endeavor to be better than I was the day before and beleive you me thats hard.
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